Artur Chernoguz , MD, FACS
Assistant Professor of Surgery at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Accepting New Patients
Board Certification: American Board of Surgery
Education: Albany Medical College, Albany, NY
General Surgery - The Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY
Pediatric Surgery - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Research/ECMO - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Memberships in Societies:
American College of Surgeons
American Medical Association
American Association for Cancer Research
Association for Academic Surgery
American Pediatric Surgical Association
Hospital Affiliations: Hasbro Children’s Hospital
Women & Infants Hospital
Rhode Island Hospital
The Miriam Hospital
In the News
A Phase 2, Randomized, Active Comparator-Controlled, Multicenter, Double-Blind Clinical Trial to Study the Safety and Efficacy of Ceftolozane/Tazobactam (MK-7625A) Plus Metronidazole Versus Meropenem in Pediatric Subjects with Complicated Intra-Abdominal
Brief Description: This study aims to evaluate the safety and tolerability of MK-7625 A
(ceftolozane/tazobactam) plus metronidazole, compared with that of meropenem in pediatric participants with complicated intra-abdominal infection
Role: Sub-Investigator for Floating Hospital for Children-Tufts Medical Center site. (Enrolled 5 participants)
Funding: Industry: Merck Sharp and Dohme Corp.
A Phase 1 Open Label Multi-Center Study to Determine the Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Intravenous Eravacycline in Children With Suspected or Confirmed Bacterial Infection.
Brief Description: This study aims to evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of Eravacycline in children undergoing treatment for bacterial infections
Role: Sub-Investigator for Floating Hospital for Children-Tufts Medical Center site. (Closed to enrollment)
Funding: Industry: Merck Sharp and Dohme Corp.
Journal Articles
- Perry T, Henry B, Cooper DS, Keswani SG, Burton KS, Lim FY, Chernoguz A, Frischer JS. Antithrombin III infusion improves anticoagulation in congenital diaphragmatic hernia patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Perfusion. 2021 Dec 23 (epub).
- Mustafa L, Chernoguz A. Running the Obstacle Course: Improving the Utilization of Bariatric Surgery in Adolescent Obesity. Clin Ther. 2021 Jul 4:S0149-2918(21)00236-8.
- Labuz DF, Cunningham A, Tobias J, Dixon A, Dewey E, Marenco CW, Escobar MA Jr, Hazeltine MD, Cleary MA, Kotagal M, Falcone RA Jr, Fallon SC, Naik-Mathuria B, MacArthur T, Klinkner DB, Shah A, Chernoguz A, Orioles A, Zagel A, Gosain A, Knaus M, Hamilton NA, Jafri MA.Labuz DF, et al. Venous Thromboembolic Risk Stratification in Pediatric Trauma: A Pediatric Trauma Society Research Committee Multicenter Analysis J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 May 25.
- Lamoshi A, Chernoguz A, Harmon CM, Helmrath M. Complications of Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents. Semin Pediatr Surg. 2020 Feb;29(1):150888.
- Singh UD, Chernoguz A. Parental attitudes toward bariatric surgery in adolescents with obesity. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2020 Mar;16(3):406-413
- Chernoguz A, Chwals WJ. Bariatric Surgery Needs a Seat at the Children’s Table: Bridging the Perception and Reality of the Role of Bariatric Surgery in the Treatment of Obesity in Adolescents. Clin Ther. 2018 Oct;40(10):1648-1654
- Chu EW, Chernoguz A, Divino CM. The evaluation of clopidogrel use in perioperative general surgery patients: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Am J Surg. 2016 Jun;211(6):1019-25.
- Knod JL, Crawford K, Dusing M, Collins MH, Chernoguz A, Frischer JS. Angiogenesis and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A Expression Associated with Inflammation in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease. J Gastrointest Surg. 2016 Mar;20(3):624-30
- Knod L, Donovan EC, Chernoguz A, Crawford KM, Dusing MR, Frischer JS. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 Inhibition in Experimental Murine Colitis. J Surg Res. 2013 Sep;184(1):101-7
- Currier MA, Eshun FK, Sholl A, Chernoguz A, Crawford K, Divanovic S, Boon L, Goins WF, Frischer JS,
Collins MH, Leddon JL, Baird WH, Haseley A, Streby KA, Wang PY, Hendrickson BW, Brekken RA, Kaur B, Hildeman D, Cripe TP. VEGF Blockade Enables Oncolytic Cancer Virotherapy in Part by Modulating Intratumoral Myeloid Cells. Mol Ther. 2013 Mar 12.
- Chernoguz A, Crawford, K, Vandersall A, Willson T, Denson LA, Frischer JS. Pre-treatment with Anti-VEGF Therapy May Exacerbate Inflammation in Experimental Acute Colitis. J Pediatr Surg. 2012 Feb;47(2):347-54.
- Chernoguz A, Crawford K, Donovan E, Vandersall A, Berglund C, Cripe TP, Frischer JS. EGFR Inhibition Fails to Suppress Vascular Proliferation and Tumor Growth in a Ewing’s Sarcoma Model. J Surg Res. 2012 Mar;173(1):1-9.
- Chernoguz A, Telem DA, Chu EW, Ozao-Choy J, Tammaro Y, Divino CM. Cessation of Clopidogrel Prior to Major Abdominal Procedures: Does It Make a Difference? Arch Surg. 2011 Mar;146(3):334-9.
- Chu EW, Telem DA, Chernoguz A, Divino CM Assessing the Risk of Clopidogrel-Related Bleeding
Complications in Patients Undergoing Inguinal Herniorrhaphy, Hernia. 2011 Feb;15(1):31-5. Feb;15(1):31-5.
- Rudkouskaya A*, Chernoguz A*, Haskew-Layton RE, Mongin AA. Two conventional protein kinase C isoforms, α and βI, are involved in the ATP-induced activation of volume-regulated anion channel and glutamate release in cultured astrocytes. J Neurochem. 2008 Jun 1;105(6):2260-70. (*1st co-authorship)
Podium Presentations
Jackson CCA, DiGeronimo R, Murzycki J, Hale D, Fox L, Koethe BC, Chernoguz A, Chwals WJ; Pediatric
Surgeon-Hospitalist Co-Management Teams Minimize CT Use at Community Hospitals When Evaluating Acute Appendicitis, American Pediatric Surgical Association 2022 Annual Meeting (San Diego, CA, May 13, 2022)
Labuz DF, Cunningham AJ, Tobias J, Marenco CW, Escobar M, Hazeltine MD, Cleary MA, Kotagal M, Falcone Jr. RA,
Fallon SC, Naik-Mathuria B, MacArthur T, Klinkner DB, Shah A, Chernoguz A, Dixon A, Hamilton NA, Jafri MA;
Venous Thromboembolic Risk Stratification In Pediatric Trauma: A Pediatric Trauma Society Research
Committee Multicenter Analysis, Virtual Pediatric Trauma Society LIVE Meeting (Virtual November 6, 2020)
Majumdar M, Chernoguz A; Scheduled Simulation Improves Efficiency of ECMO Initiation in a Low Volume
Pediatric ECMO Center without Significant Improvement in Self-reported Confidence, American College of Surgeons Quality and Safety Conference (Virtual, August 21-24, 2020)
Paone D, Chernoguz A; Assessment of the Necessity of Traditional Postoperative Follow-up After Laparoscopic Appendectomy in the Pediatric Population, 15th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Orlando, FL (February 6, 2020)
Paone D, Tian T, Chernoguz A; Assessment of the Necessity of Traditional Postoperative Follow-up After
Laparoscopic Appendectomy in the Pediatric Population, 2nd Annual Tufts Floating Hospital for Children Pediatric Research Day, Boston, MA (April 17, 2019)
Lim P, Chernoguz A, Falcone RA, Von Allmen D, Rymeski BA, Frischer, JS; Diverting Outcomes? Anti-TNF-alpha Therapy in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease, 14th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Houston TX (February 4-8,2019)
Chernoguz A, Crawford K, Dusing M, Cripe T, Frischer J; Sequential VEGF and EGFR Inhibition Improves Survival in a Neuroblastoma Model. American College of Surgeons, Ohio Chapter Annual Meeting, Toledo, OH (May 4-6, 2012).
Chernoguz A, Vandersall AE, Burton K, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Keswani SG, Barnett SJ, Frischer JS.
Antithrombin III Infusion Improves Anticoagulation in CDH Patients on ECMO, 28th Annual CNMC Symposium: ECMO & Advanced Therapies for Respiratory Failure, Keystone, CO, (February 26 – March 1, 2012)
Chernoguz A, Crawford K, Dusing M, Cripe T, Frischer J; Sequential VEGF and EGFR Inhibition Improves Survival in a Neuroblastoma Model. American College of Surgeons 97th Annual Clinical Congress, San Francisco, CA (October 23-27, 2011).
Chernoguz A, Vandersall A, Burton K, Lim F, Keswani S, Crombleholme T, Barnett S, Frischer J; Antithrombin III Infusion Improves Anticoagulation in CDH Patients on ECMO. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition, Boston, MA (October 15-18, 2011).
Chernoguz A, Crawford, K, Vandersall A, Willson T, Denson LA, Frischer JS; Pre-treatment with anti-VEGF therapy may exacerbate inflammation in acute colitis. British Association of Pediatric Surgeons 58th International Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland (July 12-22, 2011).
Chernoguz A, Vandersall AE, Crawford KM, Donovan EC, Willson T, Denson LA, Frischer JS; VEGF inhibition is anti-angiogenic in a murine model of acute colitis. American College of Surgeons, Ohio Chapter Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH (May 5-7, 2011).
Chernoguz A, Crawford KM, Berglund C, Cripe TP, Frischer JS; EGFR inhibition prevents tumor growth and vascular maturation in experimental neuroblastoma. American College of Surgeons, Ohio Chapter Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH (May 5-7, 2011).
Chernoguz A, Donovan, EC, Crawford, KM, Vandersall AE, Frischer JS; Monotherapy with a selective EGFR inhibitor, gefitinib, fails to suppress vascular proliferation and tumor growth in a murine model of Ewing’s sarcoma. 6th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Huntington Beach, CA (February 1, 2011).
Chernoguz A, Telem DA, Chu E, Ozao-Choy J, Tammaro Y, Divino CM; Cessation of Clopidogrel Prior to General Surgical Procedures: Does It Make a Difference? American College of Surgeons 95th Annual Clinical Congress, Chicago, IL (October, 2009).
Poster Presentations
Ginsberg AS, Chernoguz A Bariatric Surgery Underutilization in Young Post-adolescent Population with Obesity 2021 ACS Quality and Safety Conference – Virtual; (July 12-16, 2021)
Singh U, Chernoguz A. Parental Perceptions of Adolescent Obesity Diagnosis and Treatment, 2nd Annual Tufts Floating Hospital for Children Pediatric Research Day, Boston, MA (April 17, 2019)
Rideout L, Chwals, W, Jackson, C, Keliher, A, Chen, J, Chernoguz, A. Student Internship Experience at a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Program. Pediatric Trauma Society, Houston, TX (November 8-10, 2018)
Chernoguz A, Armon A, Falcone RA, von Allmen D, Denson LA, Saeed S, Frischer JS, Role of Fecal Diversion in Pediatric Colorectal Crohn’s Disease in the Era of Anti-TNF-α Therapy. Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, CA (May19-22, 2012).
Chernoguz A, Vandersall AE, Burton K, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Keswani SG, Barnett SJ, Frischer JS.Antithrombin III Infusion Improves Anticoagulation in CDH. American College of Surgeons, Ohio Chapter Annual Meeting, Toledo, OH (May 4-6, 2012).
Chernoguz A, Armon Y, Falcone R, von Allmen D, Denson L, Saeed S, Frischer J. Role of Fecal Diversion in Pediatric Colorectal Crohn’s Disease in the Era of Anti-TNF-α Therapy. American College of Surgeons, Ohio Chapter Annual Meeting, Toledo, OH (May 4-6, 2012).
Chernoguz A, Vandersall AE, Burton K, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Keswani SG, Barnett SJ, Frischer JS. Antithrombin III Infusion Improves Anticoagulation in CDH Patients on ECMO, 6th Annual Thomas F. Boat Lectures, Cincinnati, OH (March 21, 2012).
Webb KM, Bischoff A, Chernoguz A, Bauer C, Cain K, Hall J, Holder M, Jackson L, Kern P, Koehler D, Martini T, McKenzie C, Dickie BH, Helmrath M, Pena A, Levitt MA, Frischer J. Bowel Management for Neurogenic Fecal Incontinence. 2nd World Congress on Spina Bifida Research & Care. Las Vegas, NV (March 12, 2012).
Chernoguz A, Crawford KM, Berglund C, Cripe TP, Frischer JS; EGFR inhibition fails to suppress vascular proliferation and tumor growth in Ewing’s sarcoma American College of Surgeons, Ohio Chapter Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH (May 5-7, 2011).
Vandersall AE, Chernoguz A, Crawford, KM, Donovan, EC, Willson T, Denson L, Frischer JS; Vascular
Endothelial Growth Factor inhibition is antiangiogenic in a murine model of acute colitis. 2010 Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation’s Clinical and Research Conference, Hollywood, FL (December 9-12, 2010).
Lawal TA, Falcone RA, von Allmen D, Chernoguz A, Louden E, Denson LA, Levitt MA, Frischer JS. The utility of routine pouchogram prior to ileostomy reversal in children and adolescents following ileal pouch anal anastomosis. American Academy of Pediatrics, San Francisco, California (October 2-5, 2010).
Published Abstracts
Chernoguz A, Crawford KM, Cripe TP, Frischer JS. Sequential VEGF and EGFR inhabitation improves survival in a neuroblastoma model. J Am Coll Surg. [2011] Sep; 213(3):S82
Book Chapters
Panayotis K. Thanos, Abdulraouf Lamoshi, Amanda Nubelo, John Hamilton, Artur Chernoguz, Aaron B.
Hoffman, Teresa Quattrin, and Carroll Harmon Clinical and Preclinical Bariatric Surgery Approaches to
Studying Obesity Nicole M. Avena (ed.), Animal Models of Eating Disorders, Neuromethods, vol. 161 (2019)
Chernoguz A, Frischer JS. Gastrointestinal Polyps/Intestinal Cancer. Operative Pediatric Surgery, 2e. Editors Ziegler MM, Azizkhan RG, Weber T, von Allmen D. New York, NY, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2014
Chernoguz A, Frischer JS. Respiratory Failure and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Operative Pediatric
Surgery, 2e. Editors Ziegler MM, Azizkhan RG, Weber T, von Allmen D. New York, NY, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2014