When Brown Surgical Associates’ Nie Bohlen, MSN RN learned about a new chapter of Black Girls Do Bike starting up in Newport, she knew she wanted to get involved.
After hearing about the new chapter on an NPR program, Bohlen – the trauma program manager for Rhode Island and Hasbro Children’s Hospitals, asked Julie Bromberg, injury prevention liaison for Rhode Island Hospital’s Trauma Center, if the center could assist with bike helmets for the group.
This week, the Trauma Center delivered helmets to some of the chapter members.

Bohlen said the Trauma Center will also be conducting further injury prevention work with the group when the weather warms.
The organizers of Black Girls Do Bike said through the organization’s chapters nationwide they’ve learned:
- Women of color are underrepresented in the bicycling community – in terms of leadership, ridership, advocacy, media and business ownership.
- Riding a bicycle is addictive and empowering!
- Women of color are hungry for images that reflect them.
- Women of all shapes and sizes enjoy cycling and covering long distances on their bikes.
“Our goal is to represent, empower, reflect, and ride,” the group said.